Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Blogger's Brand

It's what we learn in management classes in school and college. The five-letter word which has every company fighting for more, wanting more customers- of any kind- readers, purchasers, subscribers, consumers and trying to win from competition. 

BRAND- is the marketing word I'm talking about.

Wherever you're sitting right now, this very second, look around you. Everything that surrounds you will be a product of creation of a company that has launched that "facility" to you under their "brand name". My iPad is lying right next to me, so I don't need to think of a better example. Apple is the biggest tech brand of our generation. It has reached such a peak in its graph that it doesn't need to market it anymore. Its loyal customers are its marketeers. They promote the product through word of mouth- and now that's more than sufficient. 

So what would be a blogger's brand value? I'm certainly not blogging for money, so is my blog actually considered a "brand"? Is it my "product"? These questions are a mystery to me.. I'm actually clueless. 

When I wanted to start writing a blog, it was only because I had so many thoughts in my head that I wanted to just pin down somewhere; thinking that maybe later in life I'll actually go through my blog and read my thoughts. I wanted to share ideas with people around me- anonymously of course (I am kind of shy in many ways), which is why I don't disclose my details or upload my personal pictures. 

Anyway, so when I wanted to start writing I knew in a second what I it was going to be about. It had to be something to do with clothes, 'cause well, I'm a girl. And it had to be related to what I do almost everyday- and I saw a need there. I noticed how women in our society hardly made any effort to look good to work. I thought, why would they not? They are AT work 60% of the day. Why not dress well for that?

So hence, an idea coupled with the internet- i.e. with the help of blogger and Facebook, I started thinking and writing. And I know I haven't been blogging for long- it's only been 4 months! But I have learnt so much these past 4 months. I'm practically juggling between my Facebook page and work. The blogging is constantly drawing me towards it. Wanting to write more, read more, learn more, share more, click more.

It's just the beginning of a long journey I hope.. I hope CGC, which has 41 likes on Facebook today and no followers on blogger, grows into a big brand, a blogger brand. A brand everyone knows. (ha ha I am thinking too optimistically right?)

But for now, I've designed my brand logo and picture for the time being. Hope you like it :)



  1. Great post!
    Please check out mine, and if you like it we could follow each other!

    1. Thanks Corina! Yes I would love that :)
      Done! Following you.
